Influence of Career Development on Employee Retention in 3-5 Stars Rated Hotels in Nairobi City County, Kenya
Career development is a systematic planning strategy for linking the corporate career needs and requirements of a company's workforce with employee career aspirations, and it comprises activities carried out by both the individuals and organizations in order to satisfy career goals and employment requirements. Employee retention is a key important aspect for the hospitality industry considering that the sector employs more people than any other industry in any given economy. The purpose of the study was to evaluate career advancement techniques and staff retention in a 3-5-star hotel in Nairobi, Kenya. The study's objective was, to assess the influence of human resource policies on employee retention. The study was hinged by theory of work adjustment (TWA). The study employed a cross-sectional descriptive research design. Nairobi hotels were picked because they attract visitors from all over the world and represent the city accurately. The study population target was 2374 employees employed on contract employment in 3-5 star rated hotels in Nairobi County. Using Yamane's (1967) formula, the sample size proportions from the entire population was calculated. A total of 342 people working in operational departments and upper management were included in the sample. Employees in the operational department were surveyed using structured questionnaires, while interviewing rules was used to engage the company's senior executives. Descriptive statistics and Simple Linear Regression Analysis were used to examine the data. The outcomes were used to display the findings. According to the research regression coefficient findings, human resource policy is favorably and substantially connected to employee retention (= 0.163, p=0.000). To increase staff retention, the research advised that the hotel sector adopt a clearly written HR policy on employee retention methods that provide a vibrant and pleasant working atmosphere. The report also suggested that the hotel business institute a work rotation scheme to make employees feel more valuable, boost morale, increase engagement and improve knowledge and other organizational skills.
Keywords: Career Development, Employee Retention, 3-5 Stars Rated Hotels, Nairobi City County, Kenya
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