Exploring the Impact of Cultural Heritage on Destination Branding and Tourist Experiences: Perspective from South Korea


  • Cheon Meeyoung Son Kyung Hee University-Seoul, South Korea
  • Choi S. Soon Kyung Hee University-Seoul, South Korea
  • Kim K. Sok-yong Sejong University- Seoul, South Korea




This study explored the impact of cultural heritage on destination branding and tourist experiences, using South Korea as a case study. South Korea, a country rich in cultural heritage, offers a unique opportunity to examine the integration of traditional culture into destination branding strategies and the resultant effects on tourist experiences. This research employed both qualitative and quantitative methodologies, including surveys of tourists, interviews with tourism professionals, and content analysis of promotional materials. The findings suggest that South Korea's cultural heritage significantly contributes to its destination branding. The study indicated that South Korea’s unique cultural heritage elements, such as historic sites, traditional festivals, arts, cuisine, and lifestyle, are prominently featured in its branding strategies. These components help to differentiate South Korea from other destinations, fostering a unique image that appeals to both domestic and international tourists. Moreover, the study demonstrates that cultural heritage considerably enhances tourist experiences. The authenticity and diversity of South Korea’s cultural heritage evoke feelings of novelty and curiosity among tourists, enriching their experiences. The cultural heritage sites and activities enable tourists to immerse themselves in the local culture, promoting cultural understanding and appreciation. However, the study also points out potential challenges, including over-tourism and the commodification of culture, which could threaten the integrity and authenticity of cultural heritage. In conclusion, this research reaffirms the profound impact of cultural heritage on destination branding and tourist experiences. It provides valuable insights for destination marketers and policymakers in South Korea and other destinations with rich cultural heritage, on how to effectively utilize cultural heritage for destination branding, improve tourist experiences, and promote sustainable tourism.

Keywords: Cultural Heritage, Destination Branding, Tourist Experiences, South Korea, Heritage Tourism, Cultural Authenticity, Sustainable Tourism Development

Author Biographies

Cheon Meeyoung Son, Kyung Hee University-Seoul, South Korea

Department of Hotel & Tourism Management

Choi S. Soon , Kyung Hee University-Seoul, South Korea

Department of Hotel & Tourism Management

Kim K. Sok-yong, Sejong University- Seoul, South Korea

Department of Tourism Management


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How to Cite

Son, C. M. ., Soon , C. S. ., & Sok-yong, K. K. . (2023). Exploring the Impact of Cultural Heritage on Destination Branding and Tourist Experiences: Perspective from South Korea. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 6(1), 1–10. https://doi.org/10.53819/81018102t4138


