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Information Management Technology and Customer Satisfaction in the Hospitality Industry in Kenya


  • Lucy Wanjiru Gichia Kenyatta University, Nairobi-Kenya



Information management technology in the hospitality industry remain critical area of study; nonetheless, it has become an integral part of people’s daily lives. ICT and by extension IMT are everywhere with major economic sectors adopting the technique to enhance their operations. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of hospitality information management technology in enhancing competitiveness through customer satisfaction in Kenya with a focus on five 5-star hotels in Nairobi. The study aimed at investigating how IMT enhanced consumer product awareness, service quality, and employee performance toward customer satisfaction. The study mostly used open-ended questionnaires administered to 91 participants who involved employees and customers of the 5 hotels. Quantitative data was analyzed descriptively using Excel and presented through charts and narrative form. The response rate was 84%. Findings from the study indicated that product awareness, service quality, and employee performance enhance customer satisfaction within the hotel sector. The study recommended that managers in the hospitality sector design better ways of using IMT to ensure competitive advantage. Suggestions are made on further research should focus on the role played by IMT in enhancing customer preference and buying behaviours, using in-depth approaches in other service sub-sectors like tour operators and travel agents.

Keywords: Awareness, Competitive advantage, Customer satisfaction, Information management technology, Service quality.

Author Biography

Lucy Wanjiru Gichia, Kenyatta University, Nairobi-Kenya

Postgraduate student, Department of Hospitality & Tourism Management, School of Business, Economics, and Tourism


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How to Cite

Gichia, L. W. (2023). Information Management Technology and Customer Satisfaction in the Hospitality Industry in Kenya. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 6(2), 89–100.


