The Intervening Role of Employee's Awareness on the Relationship between the Adequacy of Welfare and Job Stability of University Catering Employees in Nairobi City County, Kenya


  • Bernard Waweru Kamau Kenyatta University


The study sought to find out the intervening role of employees awareness on the relationship between adequacy of welfare and job stability of university catering employees in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The study covered aspects of; employees awareness on welfare initiatives, provision of efficient staff welfare initiatives, job stability, attention to the needs of the employees, implementation and improvement of welfare programs, indirect compensation, welfare measures, non-monetary welfare programs, a feeling of being secure, valued, cared and having a positive motivation to remain in an organization. The study demonstrated how employees awareness intervenes in the relationship between adequacy of welfare initiatives and job stability of university catering employees using its key components such as; satisfaction, conducive working environment, positive attitude and an improved performance. These are key indicators of job stability. The study was descriptive covering a stratified sample of 189 respondents drawn from 300 employees. Data was collected through self-administered questionnaires and an interview guide questions. The two tailed Pearson product moment correlation was used and interpreted as follows; 0.010 to 0.041 implied, insignificant relationships; 0.041 to 0.70 implied, a moderate relationship; while> 0.70 implied a significant positive relationship. Meanwhile, negative value implied an inverse relationship. The results indicated that, a high response rate of 80.42% was obtained, thus high validity and reliability of data. Majority 61.20% of the respondents were females while the minority (38.80%) were males. A p-value of 0.81 showed that, there is a very strong significant positive relationship between welfare initiatives awareness and job stability. A p-value of 0.942 showed that, there is a very strong significant positive relationship between the adequacies of welfare initiatives and job stability, a p-value of 0.72 on showed that, there is a significant positive relationship between the adequacy of welfare initiatives and welfare initiatives awareness. In conclusion, welfare initiatives awareness plays a key intervening role in the relationship between the adequacies of welfare initiatives and job stability of university catering employees. The study recommends that, university managements should focus more not only on providing sufficient innovative welfare that address University catering employees welfare needs, but also on ensuring that, employees know welfare initiatives provided by their organizations.

Key Words; Employees Awareness, Adequacy of Welfare, Job Stability, Employees Welfare.

Author Biography

Bernard Waweru Kamau, Kenyatta University

Post Graduate Student, Department of Hospitality & Tourism, School of Hospitality, Tourism & Leisure Studies, Kenyatta University, Kenya


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How to Cite

Kamau, B. W. (2020). The Intervening Role of Employee’s Awareness on the Relationship between the Adequacy of Welfare and Job Stability of University Catering Employees in Nairobi City County, Kenya. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 3(2), 1–25. Retrieved from


