Experience of Parents with Children with Autism in Mandaue City, Philippines
This study aimed to understand and describe the lived experiences of parents raising children with autism and to compare how the experiences of each parent differed from the other. The research aimed to provide insight into how parents with children with autism experienced the pre-diagnostic phase, how they were able to cope up with their activities of daily living and other concerns related to the future of their child. The study provided an understanding of the condition parents with a child with autism are in, and points out their greatest needs, which include the need for information regarding autism and emotional support. Nurses after knowing the challenges parents and the child with autism go through will be more sensitive and therapeutic when rendering care. The support that nurses extended will be more appreciated by parents with a child with autism, especially during their vulnerable times. Finally due to the limited knowledge parents have at the time of diagnosis nurses will be there to educate parents on the nature of the disorder and to answer their concerns. Nurses together with other health care providers should focus on creating therapeutic relationships with parents with a child with autism to open up channels for interaction and sharing of vital information. This way parents will be comfortable to open up their fears and their struggles with ease that will aid in giving relevant interventions. To be able to provide quality care in public schools, the government should work on improving the working condition of teachers by employing more teachers who meet the need of the enrolled students. More classrooms should be opened and more teachers trained to help children with autism.
Keywords: Experience of Parents, Children with Autism, Mandaue City, Philippines
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