Influence of Women Group Activities on Maternal Health Service Utilization in Owich Sub-location, Nyatike Sub-county of Kenya


  • Jacquiline Jerida Atieno Adwar Great Lake University of Kisumu
  • Dr. Charles Wafula Great Lake University of Kisumu
  • Prof. Margaret Kaseje Great Lake University of Kisumu



Despite achievements in Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 4, Kenya made insufficient progress by 2015. Women group activities significantly influence access to maternal health service inequalities which continue to record increased mortality rates. Globally, maternal health service utilization remains a major challenge to public health systems. Kenya is considered among top 10 countries comprising 58% of global maternal deaths in 2013 and contributed to 2% of these deaths. In spite of benefits of births assisted by skilled birth attendants, Migori County is still under performing in skilled delivery (47%) with 21.9% and 44% home deliveries and community health services coverage respectively. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of women groups training, economic and social activities on maternal health service utilization in Owich Sub-location, Nyatike Sub-county of Kenya. Descriptive research design was adopted in the study. Data was collected using key informant interview guides and structured questionnaires. Descriptive and inferential statistics was used to analyze the data. To determine respondents to participate in the study, purposive, stratified and simple random sampling techniques was used. The formula Nf = n / 1+n/N was used to determine a sample size of 240 respondents out of a total population of 503 women involved in group activities within Owich Sub-location; Key findings indicated that women group economic, training and social activities significantly influence maternal health service utilization to a great extent 89.7%, agreed 84.5% and moderate extent 77.4% respectively. The study recommends adoption of women group activities to influence maternal health service utilization to inform the government policy formulation and development programs. The researcher recommends further studies on intervening variable; leadership and governance particularly in health systems and government policy.

Author Biographies

Jacquiline Jerida Atieno Adwar, Great Lake University of Kisumu

Master Student, Department of Community Health and Development, Great Lake University of Kisumu

Dr. Charles Wafula , Great Lake University of Kisumu

Lecturer, Department of Community Health and Development, Great Lake University of Kisumu

Prof. Margaret Kaseje, Great Lake University of Kisumu

Lecturer Department of Community Health and Development, Great Lake University of Kisumu


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How to Cite

Adwar, J. J. A. ., Wafula , C. ., & Kaseje, M. . (2022). Influence of Women Group Activities on Maternal Health Service Utilization in Owich Sub-location, Nyatike Sub-county of Kenya. Journal of Medicine, Nursing & Public Health, 5(2), 52–71.


