Strategic Leadership: Its Integration with the Church Leadership


  • Ogochi K. Deborah Pan Africa Christian University


Strategic leadership is concentrated on those leaders who have general accountability of an organization such as, top management team, executives and board of directors (Phillips & Hunt, 1992) both in the business arena and the church as well. Strategic leadership is analogized with supervisory theories of leadership and so supervisory leaders focus on directing, supporting and building staff while strategic leaders focus on creating organization's purpose and meaning which can enable the church to remain alive and vibrant all through. Churches are not just businesses, institutions or organizations. Churches are very special because they are assemblies that have been called out by legitimate authority (Austin-Roberson, 2009). Much as the church is organized into local assemblies across the world, it is much more than an organization because it has a spiritual constituent that brands it exceptional form the rest of the other organizations. The spiritual and sacred nature of the church affects every aspect of the church's organizational life right from its mission to the structure and the systems employed to fulfil its mission (Jeavons, 1994). The more reason as to why the need for strategic leaders is more real now more than ever before in the history of the existence of churches.

Keywords: Strategic Leadership & Church Leadership

Author Biography

Ogochi K. Deborah, Pan Africa Christian University

PhD Candidate, Pan Africa Christian University


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How to Cite

Deborah, O. K. “Strategic Leadership: Its Integration With the Church Leadership”. Journal of Sociology, Psychology & Religious Studies, vol. 1, no. 1, Dec. 2018, pp. 31-40,


