Juvenile Delinquency in the United States of America


  • Haveripet Young Bureau of Justice Statistics, NW Washington, D.C.
  • Cavan Giller Bureau of Justice Statistics, NW Washington, D.C.


Juvenile delinquency remains a major emerging social problem globally. Statistics shows that crime among persons aged 18 years and below is on the rise. This paper relied much on literature review approach. Past studies were reviewed to uncover the actual situation regarding juvenile delinquency in the United States. The current juvenile justice system is broken and needs to be dismantled.  Better programs should be put into place to ensure they have a chance at a positive outcome of their life.  The first step in all of this is listening to children, not just hearing what they are saying.  By listening to children, their needs could be better-assessed to think of how the youth globally would change. The positive roles of mainly parents, various community leaders, and interested groups whom adolescents look up to for guidance, were alluded to and emphasized as a desirable contribution to the normal socialization of adolescents. Desired policy formulations indicated above should be a product of experts from various government departments such as health, social welfare, justice, and correctional services. The voice of teachers, parents and youth should complete the list of stakeholders.

Key words:  Juvenile Delinquency, United States of America

Author Biographies

Haveripet Young, Bureau of Justice Statistics, NW Washington, D.C.

Bureau of Justice Statistics, NW Washington, D.C.

Cavan Giller, Bureau of Justice Statistics, NW Washington, D.C.

Bureau of Justice Statistics, NW Washington, D.C.


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How to Cite

Young, H., and C. Giller. “Juvenile Delinquency in the United States of America”. Journal of Sociology, Psychology & Religious Studies, vol. 3, no. 4, Sept. 2021, pp. 1-7, https://stratfordjournals.com/journals/index.php/Journal-of-Sociology-Psychology/article/view/918.


