Impact of Climate Change on Pastoralists Access to Forage and Water in Kajiado South Sub County


  • Nderu Martha Waithira The Management University of Africa
  • Dr. Domeniter Naomi Kathula The Management University of Africa


Though an important way of life for several ethnic groups living in arid and semi-arid areas of Kenya, pastoralism now faces immense challenges emanating from variability in climate. Different climate issues such as prolonged droughts have resulted to reduced precipitation which has equally led to water shortages and reduced quantities of pasture adversely impacting on pastoralism. Specifically this study investigated the influence of; pastoralists' access to forage and pastoralists' access to water in Kajiado South Sub County.  The study picked upon descriptive survey research design. Research target population was; Staff at Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Department, County Assembly of Kajiado Staff and Managers working for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). The sample size was of 23 Staff at Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Department, 42 County Assembly of Kajiado Staff and 40 Managers working for CSOs that were singled out to participate in the study. Stratified and simple random sampling techniques were applied to single out sampled subjects. Questionnaires were employed in the gathering of data from all the study's sampled subjects in the study area. Data was analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively making use of SPSS version 20.0. Based on study findings, a substantive number of the respondents as shown by a mean of 53.9% (Mean= 4.12) agreed climate change has an impact on pastoral access to forage in the form of shortage of pasture in Kajiado South Sub County. Further, the results of the research demonstrated climate change has an impact on pastoral access to water in the form of increased demand for water and mobility distances in Kajiado South Sub County as illustrated by a mean of 50.7% (Mean=3.99). The study concluded climate had presented an adverse impact on the quantity and quality of pasture and water accessible to pastoralists. From the research findings the study recommended that there was need to develop partnerships between county governments and civil society organizations (CSOs) in addressing pasture and water shortages experienced by pastoral communities through the drilling of boreholes and construction of water pans.

Keywords: Climate Change, Pastoralists, Access, Forage, Water, Impact, Kajiado South

Author Biographies

Nderu Martha Waithira, The Management University of Africa

Graduate Candidate

Dr. Domeniter Naomi Kathula, The Management University of Africa



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How to Cite

Waithira, N. M., & Kathula, D. D. N. (2020). Impact of Climate Change on Pastoralists Access to Forage and Water in Kajiado South Sub County. Journal of Agriculture & Environmental Sciences, 4(1), 1–18. Retrieved from


