Analysis of Production Factors Affecting Dairy Cattle Farming in Shuangcheng Farm, China
China is the fifth largest dairy producer in the world and the second largest in Asia. The total revenue of the dairy market in China 359.041 billion yuan in 2017, with a YOY increase of 7.85 percent. The most consumed dairy products in China are fresh milk, milk powder and yogurt, while cheese and butter are less popular. However, the dairy farming in China still faces a number of problems including; poor infrastructure, poor storage facilities, fluctuation in milk prices, delayed payments, expensive feeds, poor marketing system, unfavorable climatic conditions (due to global warming) and inadequate access to credit facilities. The study employed cross-sectional design. Cross sectional research design is appropriate when doing research at a particular time. The study was conducted in Shuangcheng Farm. The target population was 89 dairy where the respondents were the farm managers. Data analysis is the process of systematically arranging field findings for presentation. The study concludes that most farmers lack enough support from the national and county government in proper marketing system and extension further concludes that very expensive feeds increases cost of production thus subsequently reducing profit. Pests and diseases plays are of economic importance in dairy cattle production. Pests and disease causes high mortality rate among the lambs especially during cold and rainy seasons. Dairy farmers require sufficient credit facilities to finance their dairy farming activities. Access to credit facilities for instance access to extension services, access to financial support and dairy equipment is vital in improving milk yield. However, most farmers lack access to affordable credit facilities to buy dairy animal feeds, offer veterinary services and meet other dairy expenses. Dairy feed prices have become extremely risen high in the recent past. Feed costs constitute the major day-to-day expense. The high costs have been further exacerbated by the progressive shift from an extensive to an intensive system of dairy production. The government and should invest more on cattle dairy research and innovation to train farmers in artificial insemination and efficient record keeping. Credit facilities institutions should also reduce the interest rates while giving farmers loans and be flexible in their rules and regulations. Farmers should learn to adopt breeds that are resistant to pests and diseases, invest more on doing research on production and marketing. They also should also adopt to modern production methods.
Keywords: Production factors, dairy Cattle Farming, Shuangcheng Farm, China
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