Livestock production and livelihood of people in Australia


  • Hendrik Claudine Australian Farm Institute
  • Taylor Hart Meat and livestock Australia


Livestock products are critical to the nutrition, food security, livelihoods and resilience of hundreds of millions of people throughout the world. Livestock accounts for 40% of worldwide income from agriculture. Livestock is one of major source of food and income for both economically advanced societies and those developing. Livestock are also source of income, employment and source of export earnings. For low income producers, livestock act as source and store of wealth; means of transport for carrier livestock and source of fertilizers through animal wastes. Demand for livestock products is set to continue increasing owing to rising world population. Globally, agriculture provides a livelihood for more people than any other industry. Growth in livestock sector is needed to raise rural incomes and also to support the increasing numbers dependent on the industry and to meet the food products needed of the faster growing urban populations. The study relied on desktop review technique in exploring the livestock production and livelihood of people in Australia. Journal papers, agricultural reports and livestock production reports were explored.  Livestock production will continue to make a significant contribution to food supply globally and in Australia. Livestock continues to support the livelihood of many households in Australia. As a net exporter, Australia has a role in meeting global food security, and animal production will need to increase to meet increasing demand for animal protein and fibre. With further research this can be achieved with lower emissions per unit of product. Livestock production needs to be integrated in national rural policy guidelines and programmes with aim of growing it further. Livestock production has the capability of creating employment opportunities for rural people and sale of livestock products and items generates a lot of income to the people. Livestock is a significant form of livelihood to the people particularly in rural Australia.  

Keywords: Livestock production, livelihood, Australia

Author Biographies

Hendrik Claudine, Australian Farm Institute

Department of agriculture, Australian Farm Institute

Taylor Hart, Meat and livestock Australia

Meat and livestock Australia


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How to Cite

Claudine, H., & Hart, T. (2020). Livestock production and livelihood of people in Australia. Journal of Agriculture & Environmental Sciences, 4(1), 53–59. Retrieved from


