Community Participation and Project’s Performance of Solar Power Project in Rwanda: A Case of Rwamagana Photovoltaic Solar Power Plant


  • Fabien Izabayo Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda
  • Gitahi Njenga Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda



The main purpose of this research was to investigate Communities’ participation and project’s performance in Rwamagana photovoltaic solar power plant. This study used descriptive survey research with target population of three hundred and eighty (380) respondents. A Sample size of seventy-nine (70) respondents were determined using Nassiuma (2001) formula. Simple random sampling technique made the basis for selection of respondents from sample size. The researcher used drop and pick later method to distribute the study questionnaires. Data collected were coded and analyzed using descriptive (percentages and frequencies) while concept of statistics such regression and correlation analysis was used to determine relationships between the independent and dependent. The study’s results obtained indicate that project selection had moderate positive correlation (r =0.411 with a P value = 0.000) project planning had moderate positive correlation (r =0.366 with a P value = 0.000) while project execution had moderate positive correlation (r = 0.391 with a P value = 0.000) with project performance. The study further found that indicate that when independent variables (Project execution, Project planning and = Project selection) were held constant project performance is 1.000. a unit increase in project selection would  lead increase project performance by 0.721 with P value of 0.000  a unit increase in project planning would lead increase project performance by 0.698  with P value of 0.000 while  unit increase in project execution would increase project performance by 0.946 with P value of 0.000. The study draws a conclusion that all project should continue to use project selection, project planning and project execution identify and assess project performance. In addition, the study concludes that a project management team should identify the specific elements contributing to the project performance regard to how the project owners determine a project’s performance. The study recommends Rwamagana photovoltaic solar power plant to continue applying project selection, project planning and project execution process how they will involve Communities  to assess projects before they are implemented. It is very crucial to involve Communities on all project stages. Project management team at Rwamagana photovoltaic solar power plant should identify specific elements contributing to the project performance. Finally, the study recommends Rwamagana photovoltaic solar power plant to establish another performance measuring tool to be used to analyze and evaluate all potential projects before resources are allocated. The study recommends future researchers to conduct research on the influence of community participation on project performance.

Keywords: Community Participation, Project Performance, Solar Power Project, Rwanda

Author Biographies

Fabien Izabayo, Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda

School of Business and Economics, Master of Business Administration (MBA), Project Management, Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda

Gitahi Njenga, Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda

Mount Kenya University, Kigali, Rwanda


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How to Cite

Izabayo, F., & Njenga, G. (2022). Community Participation and Project’s Performance of Solar Power Project in Rwanda: A Case of Rwamagana Photovoltaic Solar Power Plant. Journal of Entrepreneurship & Project Management, 6(2), 43–59.


