Determinants of Project Management Effectiveness and Performance on Public Projects in Rwanda: A Case of Three Stones International Rwanda


  • Dusabirane Pierre Mount Kenya University
  • Gitahi Njenga, PhD Mount Kenya University



The purpose of this research is to examine is to investigate the determinants of project management effectiveness and performance on public projects in Rwanda a case of Three Stones International Rwanda. More specifically, the study is motivated by the following particular objectives:  To determine the effects of project finance on performance of Three Stones International Rwanda's projects, To explore the effects of beneficiary involvement on the performance of Three Stones International Rwanda, the effects of monitoring and evaluation on the performance of Three Stones International Rwanda and to  assess the influence of Project leadership on project performance of Three Stones International Rwanda. This research will help the Rwandan government, to better comprehend the significance of efficient project management on the success of public projects in Rwanda, in particular planners and decision-makers involved in capacity building. Because it inspires them to conduct research on related subjects, this study will be beneficial to other researchers. The researcher employed a descriptive research design, with a sample size of 213 and a target population of 459, in order to achieve on research objectives, the primary data was obtained using questionnaires and an examination of the supporting documentation was utilized to gather the secondary data. The acquired data was analyzed using regression, correlation, and mean calculations in SPSS version 21. Tables was utilized to illustrate the findings, and a pilot study was conducted to evaluate the validity and dependability of the instruments used to gather the data. After collecting and analyzing data the following responses were obtained. The Pearson coefficient correlation showed that there is strongly positive correlation of 852 (r=0.852) between beneficiary involvement and public project performance. The study concluded that project managers emphasize on the availability of project finance, beneficiary’ involvement, monitoring and evaluation and project leadership to boost public project performance. The study recommended that the project managers should focus highly on the effective utilization of allocated resources to avoid any misuse of financial resources.

Keywords: Project Management, project management effectiveness, Performance of public project

Author Biographies

Dusabirane Pierre , Mount Kenya University

Masters Student

Gitahi Njenga, PhD, Mount Kenya University

Senior Lecturer


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How to Cite

Pierre , D., & Njenga, G. (2023). Determinants of Project Management Effectiveness and Performance on Public Projects in Rwanda: A Case of Three Stones International Rwanda. Journal of Entrepreneurship & Project Management, 7(4), 48–73.


