Effect of Proactiveness on the Growth of Women Street Vending in Kenya


  • Anne Marie Wairimu Mungai Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
  • Ephantus Kihonge Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
  • Joseph Gichure Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology


Entrepreneurship is perceived as one of the substantial aspects that lead to development, where entrepreneurs are faced with the task of organizing and managing businesses and in the process assuming all risks of their entrepreneurial ventures. Women entrepreneurs all over the world are contributing numerous ideas, energy and capital resources and are making a difference in the business world. This study examined the response that poses as an important factor for growth in the entrepreneurial world. The study provides insight into the role of proactiveness on the growth of women street vending in Kenya. The specific objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of proactiveness on the growth of women street vending in Kenya. The target population of the study consisted of 384 women street vendors in Nairobi who were selected through probability sampling using the systematic sampling technique. The method used for primary data collection was questionnaires that were prepared and administered to women street vendors in the streets of three of Nairobi markets. Data analysis employed quantitative techniques on the questionnaires and hypothesis testing and qualitative methods for content analysis. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse the data collected where the descriptive statistics involved frequencies and percentages and the inferential statistics involved correlation analysis and regression to test for the relationship of the variables. Various tests like sampling adequacy test, normality and multicollinearity were carried out during data analysis and the study presented the findings using tables and charts. The response rate of the study was 315 respondents out of the possible 384, majority of whom ranged from 18 to 36 years of age. The correlation results showed that proactiveness was strongly associated to growth of women street vendors in Kenya. Logistic Regression results showed a statistically significant relationship between proactiveness and growth of women street vending. The study concluded that proactiveness has a positive and significant effect on the growth of Women Street vending in Kenya. It was recommended that women in street vending should ensure they are proactive in their business by introducing new products ahead of competition and acting in anticipation of future demand to create, change and shape the environment.

Key words: Proactiveness, Street vending, Growth

Author Biographies

Anne Marie Wairimu Mungai, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

PhD Candidate

Ephantus Kihonge, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology


Joseph Gichure, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology



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How to Cite

Mungai, A. M. W., Kihonge, E., & Gichure, J. (2019). Effect of Proactiveness on the Growth of Women Street Vending in Kenya. Journal of Entrepreneurship & Project Management, 3(2), 35–63. Retrieved from https://stratfordjournals.com/journals/index.php/journal-of-entrepreneurship-proj/article/view/272


