Technology and the Effectiveness of Donor-Funded Projects in Kajiado County, Kenya
The centrality of technology in effective management of projects started attracting attention during the onset of the 21st century. The usability of technology is evident in all businesses including profit and non-profit making enterprises. Donor-funded projects are indispensable in the development process of any economy; these projects have a wide source of funds which gives them the potential to be completed and sustained to achieve the set objectives. Donors have invested heavily in projects in Kajiado County, and in spite of the many projects in record, no visible remarkable economic growth has been seen. The main objective of the study is to find out how technology influences the effectiveness of donor funded projects in Kajiado County. A descriptive survey design was utilized in the study and a sample of 100 participants were selected through simple and stratified random sampling techniques 20 of whom were selected from each sub-county. A semi-structured questionnaire was constructed using Likert scale to collect data from the study respondents. Findings from the study revealed technology has a significant influence on the effectiveness of donor funded projects (B=0.313; p=0.00, p<0.05). Using the findings from the study, it was recommended that people responsible for implementing donor-funded projects adopt the latest technologies if they want enhance the effectiveness of projects funded by donors.
Keywords: Technology, donor-funded projects, donors, project management.
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