Factors Influencing Project Sustainability of National Accelerated Agricultural Inputs Access Programme in Kanduyi Sub-County, Kenya


  • Godfrey John Wabomba Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), Nairobi Kenya.
  • Assumpta W. Kagiri, PhD Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), Nairobi Kenya.


The trend indicates that development through project concept is the preferred mode of addressing development needs. However, project failure is often reported, with over 50% of projects implemented in sub-Saharan Africa failing even after successful implementation. Project sustainability failure has been attributed to inadequate; stakeholder participation, project monitoring, project communication and stakeholder empowerment. Similarly in Kenya, despite continued implementation of food security projects in Bungoma County, over 74% of households remain food insecure. NAAIAP is one of the efforts by the government to improve food security among resource poor famers in Bungoma. But it was not clear whether NAAIAP implementation was sustainable or followed similar trends of past food security projects. Past studies on NAAIAP had not addressed the sustainability of the programme in Bungoma. There was need therefore to determine the factors that influence NAAIAP sustainability in Bungoma County. A descriptive study design was utilized.. The study was conducted in Kanduyi sub-county which was reported to have persistently high food deficit and low production per hectare. The target population of the study was 4,011 NAAIAP smallholder farmers. A sample of 182 beneficiaries was obtained using Cochrans sample size formula for continuous data. Systematic random sampling was used to draw respondents. The data was collected using structured questionnaire. The questionnaire was validated by experts from JKUAT. The reliability of the instrument was tested using the Cronbach Apha coefficient. A reliability coefficient of 0.831 was obtained, which was considered appropriate for the study. A pilot testing of the research instruments was conducted in Namasanda ward in Kanduyi sub-county. The questionnaires were administered to the respondents through face to face delivery. Descriptive and inferential statistical tests were used in the analysis. The descriptive statistical tests used in the analysis were percentages and arithmetic mean for central tendency among variables. Inferential statistical tests used were chi-square test of agreement, pearsons product moment correlation coefficient and multiple regression model. The analysed data was presented in tables and charts. The study findings from the prediction model indicated that the value of project sustainability under the current study would be expected to have a positive value of 1.2350 if the values of the predictor variables were zero. Stakeholder empowerment was noted to strongly influence the mean change in project sustainability in the prediction model. All variables in the study showed a positive mean change on project sustainability except for project monitoring which had a negative influence. The value of sustainability of the project in the prediction model was observed to have a mean change of; 0.178 for stakeholder participation, -0.0058 for project monitoring, 0.101 for project communication and 0.42 for stakeholder empowerment, for every positive unit change in the independent variables as mentioned. It is anticipated that the information from the study will enhance sensitization to community development policy makers, project implementing agencies and project beneficiaries on the significance of stakeholders participation, project monitoring, project communication and stakeholder empowerment in sustaining project long-term impacts. As a strategy to ensure inclusion of sustainability promoting actors in project organization and developing sustainability competencies strategies, to promote project sustainability goals.

Keywords: Stakeholders Participation, Project Monitoring, Project Communication, Stakeholder Empowerment and Project Sustainability.

Author Biographies

Godfrey John Wabomba, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), Nairobi Kenya.

Post Graduate student (MSc)

Assumpta W. Kagiri, PhD, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), Nairobi Kenya.



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How to Cite

Wabomba, G. J., & Kagiri, A. W. (2020). Factors Influencing Project Sustainability of National Accelerated Agricultural Inputs Access Programme in Kanduyi Sub-County, Kenya. Journal of Entrepreneurship & Project Management, 4(3), 52–74. Retrieved from https://stratfordjournals.com/journals/index.php/journal-of-entrepreneurship-proj/article/view/573


