Management of Steel Reinforcement Works Procedures Impact on the Health of Workers in Building Construction Sites Case study of Nairobi County, Kenya


  • Japheth Rasugu Nyamboki University of Nairobi, Kenya
  • Robert Rukwaro University of Nairobi, Kenya
  • Isabella Njeri Wachira-Towey University of Nairobi, Kenya


Steel reinforcement work in building construction sites as a component of the larger construction industry is an important contributor to the overall social and economic development of the world. Steel reinforcement work therefore continues to impact negatively on the health of workers in building construction sites thus raising stakeholders concern. This study investigates the management of steel reinforcement works procedures impact on the health of workers in building construction sites. The objective of the investigation was to establish how management of steel reinforcement work procedures impacted on the health of workers in building construction sites. The study was premised on the hypotheses that there was no statistically significant relationship between management of steel reinforcement work procedures and the health of workers in building construction sites. Descriptive cross-sectional method was used for data collection. Testing for reliability of data collection instrument was done by use of Cronbach alpha formula. Data analysis and hypothesis testing were by descriptive and inferential statistical methods. Data presentation was in frequencies, tables, charts, and graphs. The main results of the investigation were that management of work procedures had the impact on the health of steel reinforcement work procedures in building construction sites. The Pearson correlation coefficient (r) had a positive value of 0.24 which was greater than 0.2 but not more than 0.4, indicative of a moderate positive linear correlation between SRW procedures and workers’ health. From descriptive results it indicates that more than 67 % of the respondents were of the opinion that steel reinforcement work procedures in BCS affected their safety, health and wellbeing. While from inferential results indicates that a P value of 0.01 which was less than 0.05 and very close to 0 was attained implying that there was a statistically significant correlation between SRW procedure and workers’ health in building construction sites. This implied that the existing management system for protection and safeguarding the health of steel reinforcement work procedures in building construction sites in Nairobi County, Kenya was out of balance. Review of this system in response to emerging building and construction sector specific needs was therefore recommended.

Keywords: Management, Steel, Reinforcement, Procedure, Health, Building, Construction, Site.

Author Biographies

Japheth Rasugu Nyamboki, University of Nairobi, Kenya

Post Graduate Student, Department of Real Estate and Construction Management

Robert Rukwaro, University of Nairobi, Kenya

Senior Lecturer, Department of Real Estate and Construction Management

Isabella Njeri Wachira-Towey, University of Nairobi, Kenya

Senior Lecturer, Department of Real Estate and Construction Management


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How to Cite

Nyamboki, J. R., Rukwaro, R., & Wachira-Towey, I. N. (2021). Management of Steel Reinforcement Works Procedures Impact on the Health of Workers in Building Construction Sites Case study of Nairobi County, Kenya. Journal of Entrepreneurship & Project Management, 5(1), 1–28. Retrieved from


