Effect of Stakeholder Involvement on Performance of The Government Projects in Poland


  • Gladysz Kapera Demirkesen University of Warsaw
  • Gurtner Martín Reinhardt University of Warsaw


The performance of the government projects is potent in intensifying the satisfaction of the people. The performance of the government projects is key in enhancing the prosperity of a nation. The study examined the effect of stakeholder involvement on the performance of government projects in Poland. The study adopted the descriptive research design. The descriptive research design includes the type of design in which the information is collected based on the opinion and views of the participants. The target population included 13 government projects. The unit of observation were managers of the projects and also other support staff within the projects. Questionnaires were used as the research instruments. The results of the study indicated that stakeholder involvement is a key segment that influences the performance of the projects. The study concluded that stakeholder involvement is positively and significantly associated with performance. The regression results showed that a positive and significant relationship exists between stakeholder involvement and performance. Stakeholder involvement includes enabling all the stakeholders to be involved in decision-making and the implementation process.  Stakeholders' involvement is extremely important in the advancement tasks of the projects. Lack of stakeholder participation will certainly lead to inadequately established techniques or more resistance within. Stakeholder participation enables the decision-making units to have numerous options for policy formulation. The study recommended that stakeholders need to be involved in the implementation process of a project. The stakeholder holders need to be consulted before making any changes to the board of management. The government and other stakeholders should make sure all the stakeholders are involved in the decision-making process of projects. The community members need to be consulted before launching projects in their regions. Priorities vary from one community to another. The selection of the participants in the project implementation should be based on merits such as experiences and education level rather than on nepotism, tribalism among others.

Keyword: Stakeholder involvement, performance, government projects, Poland

Author Biographies

Gladysz Kapera Demirkesen, University of Warsaw

Student, University of Warsaw

Gurtner Martín Reinhardt, University of Warsaw

Lecturer, University of Warsaw


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How to Cite

Demirkesen, G. K., & Reinhardt, G. M. (2021). Effect of Stakeholder Involvement on Performance of The Government Projects in Poland. Journal of Entrepreneurship & Project Management, 5(1), 129–137. Retrieved from https://stratfordjournals.com/journals/index.php/journal-of-entrepreneurship-proj/article/view/774


