Moderating Effect of Employee Competence on the Relationship between Employee Reward and Nurses Job Performance in Kenyan National Referral Hospitals


  • Rhoda Jelagat Chumba University of Nairobi
  • Peter K'Obonyo University of Nairobi
  • Florence Muindi University of Nairobi
  • James Njihia University of Nairobi


Employee job performance plays a critical role in firm's competitiveness, sustainability and continuous improvement and thus continues to fuel a great deal of research. Competences lead to flawless and accurate execution of tasks, quality awareness, analytical abilities and openness to change. Competences help employees act in an organized, objective, purposeful and responsible way and enhance creativity, sensitivity and good interpersonal qualities in the work context. The purpose of this study was to establish the moderating effect of employee competence on the relationship between employee reward and nurse job performance in Kenyan National Referral Hospitals. The study employed cross sectional survey research design. Descriptive statistics, correlation and regression techniques were used to analyze the data. The study found out that the relationship between employee reward and job performance is moderated by employee competencies. The results provided sufficient statistically significant evidence to signify a moderating effect of job competence on the relationship between employee reward and employee job performance of nurses in Kenyan national referral hospitals. Employee competence, significantly improves the influence of employee reward on job performance from 74.2 percent to 82.0 percent. Employee reward and employee competence together explain 82.0 percent of the variance in job performance.The moderating effect of employee competence, significantly improves the influence of employee reward on job performance. It can be concluded that firms attach much value to employee competencies since these contribute directly to how well a firm will perform. The government through the Ministry of Health, high education and other non-governmental partners should initiate training programs for employees to sharpen their skills.

Key Words: Employee Competence, Employee Reward, Job Performance, Kenyan National Referral Hospitals.

Author Biographies

Rhoda Jelagat Chumba, University of Nairobi

PhD Candidate, Department of Business Administration

School of Business, University of Nairobi

Peter K'Obonyo, University of Nairobi

Lecturer, Department of Business Administration School of Business, University of Nairobi

Florence Muindi, University of Nairobi

Lecturer, Department of Business Administration

School of Business, University of Nairobi

James Njihia, University of Nairobi

Lecturer, Department of Business Administration

School of Business, University of Nairobi


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How to Cite

Chumba, R. J., K’Obonyo, P., Muindi, F., & Njihia, J. (2018). Moderating Effect of Employee Competence on the Relationship between Employee Reward and Nurses Job Performance in Kenyan National Referral Hospitals. Journal of Human Resource & Leadership, 2(5), 1–23. Retrieved from


