Knowledge Management Processes Influence on Employee Job Satisfaction in Food Manufacturing Firms in Kenya


  • Onjolo Samuel Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology



This research aimed at assessing influences of knowledge management processes on employee job satisfaction in selected food manufacturing firms in Nairobi, Kenya; with processes decomposed for investigation into three constructs of knowledge creation, sharing and application. The study adopted post-positivism philosophy to accommodate triangulation of qualitative and quantitative data as well as explanatory research design with stratified proportionate sampling technique for conducting field survey. A sample of 384 respondents from a target population of about 12,643 employees from 56 food manufacturing firms was obtained using Fisher’s (1991) formula. A 5-point Likert scale questionnaire was used to collect quantitative and qualitative primary data, which underwent descriptive and inferential analyses. The study findings revealed that knowledge management processes had positive and significant relationship with job satisfaction as tcal=14.37>tcrit=1.96 at p=0.000. Therefore, null hypothesis that knowledge management processes have no significant influence on job satisfaction was rejected. The regression outcome of β=0.656, p=0.000 indicated that a unit enhancement in knowledge management processes results in job satisfaction enhancement by 0.656 units. The study concluded that knowledge management processes influence job satisfaction. Management of the firms should prioritize continued needs assessment for knowledge management processes, to support knowledge management system for optimization of job satisfaction. 

Keywords: Knowledge management; Knowledge management processes, Job satisfaction.


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How to Cite

Onjolo, S. (2025). Knowledge Management Processes Influence on Employee Job Satisfaction in Food Manufacturing Firms in Kenya. Journal of Human Resource & Leadership, 9(1), 15–34.


