The Joint Effect of Employee Rewards, Engagements, Competence and Job Demands on Job Performance of Nurses in Kenyan National Referral Hospitals


  • Dr. Rhoda Jelagat Chumba University of Nairobi


The severe shortage of nurses, increase workload, rising out- migration, inadequate facilities and persistent industrial action undermining nurses' ability to provide dignified and competent healthcare. To guarantee quality and safe patient centered treatment, health professionals including nurses must have broad and deeper competences, be optimally deployed and adequately rewarded. The study was thus motivated by the need to establish the relationship between employee rewards, engagement, competence, job demands and job performance of nurses in national referral hospitals in Kenya. This study adopted a descriptive cross-sectional survey research design. The study was carried out in all the four National Referral Hospital in Kenya namely Kenyatta National Hospital, Moi Teaching and referral Hospital Mathare Teaching and Referral Hospitals and National Spinal Injury. The target population for this study was 2,757 nurses in all the four national hospitals obtained through data query by the Human Resource department at the Ministry of Health and preliminary visit to HR departments of respective hospitals for data verification. A sample of 296 respondents was selected using Cochran formula (1963). Primary data was collected through semi structure questionnaires that were administered to the nurses. During data analysis, the study utilized both descriptive and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics provided percentages, mean, standard deviation and coefficient of variation of the demographic characteristics and inferential statistics illustrated the regression analysis. The results revealed that the joint effect of employee rewards, engagements, competence and job demands on job performance of nurses is greater than the individual effect of employee rewards on job performance of nurses in Kenyan national referral hospitals. From the foregoing, the study concluded that several antecedent variables predict job performance. The study recommended that managers to evaluate potential leverage of each variable affecting job performance based on organizational context and improve them. In addition, the managers to determine the direction and strength of the relationship between predictor variables of job performance for some have negative effects.

Keywords: Employee Rewards, Engagements, Competence, Job Demands, Job Performance, Nurses & Kenyan National Referral Hospital.

Author Biography

Dr. Rhoda Jelagat Chumba, University of Nairobi

School of Business, University of Nairobi


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How to Cite

Chumba, D. R. J. (2020). The Joint Effect of Employee Rewards, Engagements, Competence and Job Demands on Job Performance of Nurses in Kenyan National Referral Hospitals. Journal of Human Resource & Leadership, 4(3), 51–68. Retrieved from


