Effects of Employment Contract Types on Employees' Performance at the East African Community Secretariat


  • Raphael Ayoub Manirabarusha Open University of Tanzania
  • Simon Wathigo Kiarie Open University of Tanzania


This study investigated the relationship between employment contract type and employees' performance at the EAC Secretariat based in Arusha, Tanzania. To achieve its objective, the study used descriptive diagnostic design to determine the relationship between employment contract and employees' performance at the EAC Secretariat. The study was supported by equity and expectancy theories. The target population of the study included all the 200 employees where a sample of 68 respondents was derived. The study used primary data which was collected through semi-structured questionnaire. The data was collected from all level of management and analyzed using descriptive statistics and SPSS Version 25.0. The study found that employment contract type and employees' performance are closely related. It further revealed that Fixed Term Contracts (FTC) and Fixed Term Limits (FTL) are the types of contract provided at EAC Secretariat even though the employees wish to have permanent contracts to secure their job. The study recommends to employees to be analytical before contracting and support Top Management Team (TMT) regardless of how they were recruited.  It also recommends that EAC Secretariat observes fairness of procedures and Human Resource Management Practice (HRMP) and Partner States to provide contracts that secure employment. The study suggests that further research to be conducted on the relationship between contract type and performance in the region to facilitate performance and enable citizens in EAC to raise their standards of living.

Keywords: employment contract, employee's performance, East African Community


Author Biographies

Raphael Ayoub Manirabarusha, Open University of Tanzania

Post graduate Student, Open University of Tanzania

Simon Wathigo Kiarie, Open University of Tanzania

PhD Candidate, Kenyatta University, Kenya


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How to Cite

Manirabarusha, R. A., & Kiarie, S. W. (2020). Effects of Employment Contract Types on Employees’ Performance at the East African Community Secretariat. Journal of Human Resource & Leadership, 4(3), 69–99. Retrieved from https://stratfordjournals.com/journals/index.php/journal-of-human-resource/article/view/540


