Influence of interactional Justice on Performance of commercial banks in Turkey


  • Liden Halim Bilkent University
  • Saleem Tektas Bilkent University


The purpose of the study was to examine the influence of interactional justice on the performance of commercial banks in Turkey. The study adopted the descriptive research design. The data was collected from the managers of the banks and the support staff. The study used questionnaires to gather the information. Besides, the interview guides were used to collect the data. The results of the study showed that interactional justice is positively related to performance. Interactional justice includes the aspect of respect, dignity in one's treatment, courtesy, motivation, encouragement, sharing relevant information with employees and also giving out fair and detailed information to everyone without any form of discrimination. The study noted that establishing justice in the workplace is an effective tool that can be undertaken by companies seeking innovation, imagination and initiative. It has been acknowledged that the prominence of justice in organizations adds to boosting the efficiency degree of people through boosting their commitment and constructing a bridge of trust between staff members and management. Those organization that administers high practice of the interactional justice have high chances of producing significant performance. The study concluded that a unit increase or improvement in interactional justice leads to increased employee performance by 0.1469 units. The study recommended that Turkey's banks need to emphasize much on increasing the interactional justice within the organizations. The banks emphasize much on increasing respect and dignity in one's treatment, showing courtesy to the employees, motivation, encouragement, sharing relevant information with employees and also giving out fair and detailed information that is satisfactory to everyone. High commitment and performance are expected to be achieved when interactional justice is maximized. The interactional justice within the banks needs to be the norm of the day.

Keywords: Interactional Justice, Performance, commercial banks, Turkey

Author Biographies

Liden Halim, Bilkent University

Bilkent University

Saleem Tektas, Bilkent University

Bilkent University


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How to Cite

Halim, L., & Tektas, S. (2021). Influence of interactional Justice on Performance of commercial banks in Turkey. Journal of Human Resource & Leadership, 5(1), 62–71. Retrieved from


