Resilient Nurses Coping with Covid Care: A Longitudinal Study of Psychology, Values, Resilience, Stress and Burnout


  • Christopher Adam-Bagley University of Southampton
  • Alice Sawyerr University of Oxford
  • Mahmoud Abubaker Leeds Beckett University
  • Afroze Shahnaz Karolinska Institute


Findings are presented from 2020 follow-up study of 159 senior hospital nurses involved in the front-line care of COVID patients in urban centres in Northern England, prior to the “second wave” of COVID patients in November, 2020. A typology of nurses from measures completed in 2018 identified  4 types: a. ‘Soldiers’; b. ‘Professionals’; c. ‘Highly Stressed’;  d.‘ High Achievers’. In 2020 further measures of adjustment stress (including PTSD), and self-actualization were added to earlier measures of personality, adjustment, work-life stress, and career intention. Principal component and cluster analyses identified 3 main types in the 2020 follow-up cohort: A ‘Actualizing Professionals’; (N=59); B ‘Strong Professionals’ (N=55); C ‘Highly Stressed Nurses’ (N=30).  Highly stressed nurses identified in 2018 had mostly left nursing, so the 30 highly-stressed nurses in 2020 were mainly a newly-identified group, who included all nurses (N=14) identified as having PTSD symptoms. The research model driving this research is that of Critical Realism which identifies the process of morphogenesis which creates a constructive dialogue for social change on behalf of nurses, who faced almost overwhelming stress in caring for COVID patients. We have identified two types of dedicated nurses with a hardy personality style which has helped them face severe stress in emerging as psychologically strong, self-actualizing individuals, dedicated to the higher values of nursing.

Key Words: Nurses, COVID, Longitudinal Study, Critical Realism, Hardy Personality, Self-Actualization, Nursing Values

Author Biographies

Christopher Adam-Bagley, University of Southampton

Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK

Alice Sawyerr, University of Oxford

Lecturer, Department for Continuing Education, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK

Mahmoud Abubaker, Leeds Beckett University

Senior Lecturer, Leeds Business School, Leeds Beckett University, Leeds, UK

Afroze Shahnaz, Karolinska Institute

Graduate Student, Division of Nursing, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden


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Adam-Bagley, C., Sawyerr, A., Abubaker, M., & Shahnaz, A. (2021). Resilient Nurses Coping with Covid Care: A Longitudinal Study of Psychology, Values, Resilience, Stress and Burnout. Journal of Human Resource & Leadership, 5(1), 88–105. Retrieved from


