Effect of Motivation on Job Satisfaction in Public Organisations in Rwanda: The Case of Water and Sanitation Corporation (WASAC) Kigali City


  • Nathan KAMUGISHA Mount Kenya University – Rwanda
  • Alice Kituyi Kwake Mount Kenya University – Rwanda
  • Francis Waweru Mwangi Mount Kenya University – Rwanda


Motivation, Employees, Satisfaction, Public, Organisation, Rwanda


This study was on effect of motivation on job satisfaction in public organisations in Rwanda: a case of Water and Sanitation Corporation (WASAC) Kigali city. To accomplish the purpose of this research, different objectives were employed. The major objective of this study was to analyse the effects of motivation on job satisfaction in Rwanda. A case of WASAC in Kigali City. The specific objectives were to: determine the types of motivation used in WASAC, Kigali, examine motivational factors that influence job satisfaction in WASAC, Kigali; establish the relationship between motivation and job satisfaction at WASAC, Kigali. This research may play the significant role to human resources as it will assist them to improve job satisfaction. In addition, it will determine how motivation is needed in different organizations so as to satisfy employees in their jobs. This study may be conducted using descriptive survey research using quantitative approach. The population of study was 1451 people derived from WASAC workers of Kigali City. The determined sample size was 91 respondents. Probability sampling and simple random sampling was used to collect data using a structured questionnaire. Various tests with the aid of Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software were used to analyse the data collected. The findings of this study revealed that males were (57.1%), the range of age was 40-50 years old (46.2%), the marital status were dominated by married people (64.8%). The education level was diploma levels (52.7%) and the experience was 6 to 10 years. Strongly agreed (51.6%) that the salary and wages paid influence the level of working consent and (54.9%) of respondents strongly agreed that have got a bonus and commissions paid as the benefits from the job. The paid overtime working accepted at the rate (42.9%). On financial incentives practiced by WASAC, 57.2% of respondents agreed that the incentives facilitate and encourage employees’ motivation. The managers can be approached when required (63.7%) and 51.6% of respondents strongly agreed that managers encourage effective team work. Regarding practices of promotion, 61.8% of respondents strongly agreed that they were satisfied. (53.8%) of respondents reported that they strongly agreed and satisfied with the opportunities for promotion in WASAC. Respondents agreed that motivational factors for job satisfaction in WASAC, Kigali affect job satisfaction as follows: involvement level (46.2%), the degree of job enrichment (56%), the level of delegation (42.9%), and promotion opportunities (57.1%). Additionally, there was a strong positive correlation and statistically significant correlation between the salary and wages paid and overtime working 0.958±0.000). While there is negative correlation and no statistically significant between bonus and commission and promotion (-0.088±0.408). Therefore, there was significant and strong positive relationship between motivation and employees’ job satisfaction. The employers are recommended to improve the common way of motivational for job satisfaction.

Keywords: Motivation, Employees, Satisfaction, Public, Organisation, Rwanda

Author Biographies

Nathan KAMUGISHA, Mount Kenya University – Rwanda

Post graduate student

Alice Kituyi Kwake, Mount Kenya University – Rwanda

School of Business and Economics

Francis Waweru Mwangi, Mount Kenya University – Rwanda

School of Business and Economics


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How to Cite

KAMUGISHA, N., Kwake, A. K., & Mwangi, F. W. (2021). Effect of Motivation on Job Satisfaction in Public Organisations in Rwanda: The Case of Water and Sanitation Corporation (WASAC) Kigali City. Journal of Human Resource & Leadership, 5(1), 116–131. Retrieved from https://stratfordjournals.com/journals/index.php/journal-of-human-resource/article/view/802


