Workforce Diversity Management and Job Performance: A Case of Maua Methodist Hospital


  • Marie B. Jeanne FADHILI The Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Abraham Kiflemariam The Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Christine Mwanzia The Catholic University of Eastern Africa


Workforce, Diversity, Management, Job Performance, Primary, Secondary, Organizational.


Workforce diversity management is considered one of the main challenges for human resource management in modern organizations. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of diversity management on the job performance of Maua Methodist Hospital. The specific objectives of this study were: to examine the effect of selected primary dimensions of diversity (age, gender, ethnicity) on job performance of MMH, to find out the effect of selected secondary dimensions of diversity (marital status, educational background and religion) on job performance of MMH and to identify the effects of selected organizational dimensions of diversity (working experience, unions affiliation, and job tenure) on job performance in MMH. The study was anchored on three theories; Social Identity Theory, Similarity/Attraction Theory and Resource Based Theory. A descriptive research design was adopted in this study. The target population comprised of 317 employees of Maua Methodist hospital while a sample of 170 respondents was selected using the Yamane formula. Data was collected using a structured questionnaire and analyzed using SPSS version 25.0. Results from the study showed that primary dimensions of diversity ensured that the decision making process was more effective and that the HR practices were more inclusive of the age, gender and ethnicity of employees thus ensuring no discrimination. It was also found that secondary dimensions of diversity ensured that there were equal opportunities given to employees for career growth which resulted to more commitment, output and creativity by the employees. Another finding was that organizational dimensions enhanced the promotion process, recruitment process and the development of training programs for the employees at MMH. This led to the conclusion that there was a positive relationship between diversity management and job performance at MMH, with primary dimensions of diversity being the first and most significant variable. The study also concluded that there was a negative significant relationship between secondary dimensions of diversity and job performance. The study also concluded that primary dimensions of diversity played an unclear role in the recruitment process but it enhanced the motivation of employees. The study recommends that the role of primary dimensions of diversity in the recruitment process and in the promotion process should be enhanced to boost the job performance of employees. Further, it is recommended that the organizational dimensions of diversity should be enforced at MMH so as to strengthen the bargaining power of the employees as this will motivate them to perform better.

Keywords: Workforce, Diversity, Management, Job Performance, Primary, Secondary, Organizational.

Author Biographies

Marie B. Jeanne FADHILI, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Master’s Student

Abraham Kiflemariam, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa


Christine Mwanzia, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa



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How to Cite

FADHILI, M. B. J., Kiflemariam, A., & Mwanzia, C. (2021). Workforce Diversity Management and Job Performance: A Case of Maua Methodist Hospital. Journal of Human Resource & Leadership, 5(2), 51–75. Retrieved from


