Transformational Leadership in Information and Supply Chain Management: Strategies for Effective Decision Making and Collaboration


  • Solomon Kyalo Mutangili



Transformational leadership plays a critical role in shaping effective decision-making and fostering collaboration in the domain of information and supply chain management (ISCM). This study presents a comprehensive literature review on the topic, with a specific focus on diverse African contexts. The review explores the impact of transformational leadership on decision-making processes, collaborative strategies employed by leaders, the influence of cultural context, technology adoption, and the promotion of resilience within the supply chain industry. The findings indicate that transformational leadership positively influences decision-making within supply chain systems by inspiring innovation and risk-taking among team members. Leaders who embrace transformational qualities foster a collaborative environment, encouraging active participation and knowledge sharing among stakeholders. Moreover, culturally sensitive approaches to leadership have been found to enhance trust and support from followers, strengthening decision-making and collaboration efforts. Technology adoption is another vital aspect investigated in this study, revealing that transformational leaders play a key role in encouraging advancements in technology. By promoting technological investments, supply chain efficiency is improved, leading to enhanced decision-making and collaboration through streamlined communication and information sharing. Furthermore, the review highlights the importance of resilience in supply chain systems, especially during disruptions and crises. Transformational leaders are instrumental in motivating their teams to adapt and innovate, thus ensuring the sustainability and success of the supply chain industry in challenging environments. This study contributes to a better understanding of the significance of transformational leadership in ISCM, offering valuable insights for leaders and stakeholders seeking to enhance decision-making and collaboration in diverse African settings. The implications of this research extend to a broader global context, emphasizing the relevance of transformational leadership for effective ISCM practices worldwide.


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How to Cite

Mutangili, S. K. (2023). Transformational Leadership in Information and Supply Chain Management: Strategies for Effective Decision Making and Collaboration. Journal of Procurement & Supply Chain, 7(2), 22–33.




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