Influence of Transportation and Logistics Law on Supply Chain Performance of Energy Development Agencies in Kenya. Case of Kenya Power and Lighting Company Limited


  • Solomon Kyalo Mutangili Management University of Africa


Companies of any size may not effectively operate without having to be aware of the legal, government and regulatory issues that affect them. Logistics and transportation companies are confronted by a multitude of pressures that raise new legal issues and spur an ever-greater need for legal advice that is dynamic and global in its perspective of the supply chain. This article sought to contribute to the body of knowledge by establishing the influence of transportation and logistics law on Supply chain performance in Kenya Power and Lighting Company Limited. The study variables were the modes of transportation and logistics law and the influence of transport and logistics on the Supply chain performance of Kenya Power and Lighting Company. The article employed a desk study review methodology. Past studies on modes of transportation and the influence of transportation and logistics were critically and thoughtfully analyzed. A critical review of the empirical literature is conducted to identify the main thematic concepts of the paper. From empirical studies, it was established modes of transportation and logistics law are fundamental to supply chain performance. The study recommended that KPLC should be keen to implement laws and regulations from importation to transportation. Other local key laws and regulations include the National Transport and Safety Authority Operation of Commercial Service Vehicles) Regulations, 2018 to o build and integrate transport management in daily operations.

Keywords: Modes of transportation, Transportation and Logistics law, Supply Chain Performance, Kenya Power and Lighting Company Limited.


Author Biography

Solomon Kyalo Mutangili, Management University of Africa

PhD Candidate, Management University of Africa


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How to Cite

Mutangili, S. K. (2019). Influence of Transportation and Logistics Law on Supply Chain Performance of Energy Development Agencies in Kenya. Case of Kenya Power and Lighting Company Limited. Journal of Procurement & Supply Chain, 3(3), 21–38. Retrieved from




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