Effect of Corporate Governance Practices on Organizational Performance of State Corporations in the Health Sector, Kenya
Sound corporate governance practices are a major contributor to effective and efficient management of State Corporations in the health sector in Kenya. Since independence, the level of accountability in management of State Corporations has continued to decline despite the availability of various monitoring structures like legal frameworks, ethics and integrity, policies and the code of conduct and ethics intended to provide a clear road map to successful performance of the State Corporations. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of corporate governance practices on the performance of the State Corporations in the health sector in Kenya. The study adopted a descriptive research design with a population comprising of the health State Corporations. Primary data was collected the using questionnaires. Data was analyzed using SPSS software. The results indicated that accountability and organizational performance of health State Corporations is positively and significantly related. The results further indicated that transparency and organizational performance of health State Corporations is positively and significantly related Board Responsibility and organizational performance of health State Corporations is positively and significantly related. Moral Integrity and organizational performance of health State Corporations is positively and significantly related The study concluded that corporate governance practices have a positive and significant effect on organizational performance of State Corporations in the health sector in Kenya. The study recommended that the management of the State corporations should establish certain control mechanisms that ensure accountability. The study recommended that there should continuous internal check and audit on the part of management and low level of management to ensure adequate accountability systems in the State Corporations.
Keywords: Corporate Governance, Organizational Performance & State Corporations
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