Decentralization in Public Policy and Governance of Public Services in Alaska, USA
Public policy is developed through a process of policy analysis, debate, and decision-making, involving various stakeholders such as government officials, civil society organizations, and citizens. . Effective decentralization requires careful planning, institutional design, and monitoring and evaluation to ensure that it promotes good governance and produces positive outcomes for citizens. Effective governance structures and processes are necessary to develop and implement effective public policies, while well-designed public policies can help to promote good governance by fostering transparency, accountability, and participation. The research used the descriptive research design. The target population was 40 public officers in Alaska, USA. Questionnaires were utilized to gather the data. The study found that decentralization in the public policy and governance of public services in Alaska, USA have significant effects on the efficiency, effectiveness, and responsiveness of the system. By transferring decision-making authority and responsibilities from central government entities to local or regional authorities, decentralization allows for increased local autonomy and tailored decision-making. Local authorities, such as municipalities or regional governments, have a better understanding of the specific needs and priorities of their communities. The study concluded that decentralization in public policy and governance of public services in Alaska has the potential to enhance local responsiveness, citizen engagement, and overall effectiveness of public service delivery, while also necessitating careful attention to address potential challenges and ensure equitable outcomes. The study recommended that effective implementation of decentralization in the public policy and governance of public services requires strengthening governance structures, capacity building, fostering citizen participation, ensuring equitable resource allocation, and continuous monitoring and evaluation. Decentralization requires solid institutional capacity at all levels of government to ensure that policies are effectively implemented and resources are efficiently utilized. Monitoring and evaluation are critical to assessing the effectiveness of decentralization efforts and identifying areas for improvement
Keywords: Decentralization, public policy, governance, public services, USA
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