Community Policing Problem Solving in Security Enhancement in Gasabo District, Rwanda


  • Jean Bosco Kagame Mount Kenya University
  • Joyce Muchemi United States International University Africa
  • Ruth Thinguri Mount Kenya University



In Rwanda, the aftermath of 1994 genocide against Tutsi, the security situations were critical and the government adopted mechanisms such as community policing as a strategy for security enhancement. However, the country still struggles with insecurity challenges despite the introduction of community policing. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of problem solving on security enhancement in Gasabo District, Rwanda. The study adopted mixed methodology approach and the concurrent triangulation design. The study targeted approximately 139,358 household heads of Gasabo District, 73 Community Policing Committee (CPC) chairpersons, 15 Community Liaison Officers, and 260 Police Officers. The study sampled 576 household heads for quantitative data whereas the CPC chairpersons, Community Liaison Officers, Police Officers and Opinion leaders were used for qualitative data. Multistage sampling technique was used to select the participants. Questionnaire, interview guides and discussion guides were used to collect data. The findings indicated that problem solving had a positive and significant influence on security enhancement. The study concludes that problem solving contributes significantly to security enhancement. The study recommended the need for RNP to strengthen the problem solving for security enhancement. In particular, the institution should focus on enhancing the following problem-solving components: night patrols, focus on vulnerable community members, resolving family disputes, proactive arrests to solve criminal activities, and adopting technological trends.

Keywords: Community policing, problem solving, security enhancement

Author Biographies

Jean Bosco Kagame, Mount Kenya University

Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice

Joyce Muchemi , United States International University Africa

Assistant Professor

Ruth Thinguri, Mount Kenya University

Senior Lecturer


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How to Cite

Kagame, J. B., Muchemi , J., & Thinguri, R. (2023). Community Policing Problem Solving in Security Enhancement in Gasabo District, Rwanda. Journal of Public Policy & Governance, 7(2), 76–93.


