Citizen Involvement in the Formulation of Public Policy in USA


  • Persson Kymlicka Holmes Yale University


The purpose of the study was to examine the importance of involvement of the people formulation of public policy in USA. The study make conclusion and recommendations based on the literature reviewed. Based on the literature reviewed, it was found that involvement of people in policy formulation influence the performance of the projects positively. It was established that involvement incorporate having work structures that enables people/ citizen to systematically give their input into decisions that affect them. The preceding studies showed that involving people in decision-making has many advantage. There is better quality of decisions, better understanding of the strategy, better organizational learning and higher commitment to the strategy undertaken by the government. Moreover, it was found that involvement of the citizen in policy formulation minimizes the chances of resistance. The significance of the involvement in policy formulation is that it boosts morale and makes people involved psychologically. A person with high confidence are more engaged, happy and enjoy their work. The study concluded that involvement in policy formulation is positively related to performance. The study concluded that consultation enables easy supervision of work. The research also concluded that education is essential for both parties who are participating towards high quality public policy formulation as it would certainly reduce unnecessary manipulation and the problem brought on by lack of knowledge, accountability and transparency and understanding of each party’s requirements. The study recommended that culture of involvement need to be adopted by the public sector in USA. The employees need to be part and parcel of policy formulation in the company. The involvement of the employees in the policy formulation will lower their resistance and will work toward a common objective/goal. The study also recommended that culture of public involvement must be urged by both levels of government through public education and learning, also there is demand to create the infrastructure for public engagement, including information centers, public communication structures, modalities and systems for involvement, petition treatments, referenda guidelines and public problems systems.

Keywords: Involvement, formulation of Public Policy, USA

Author Biography

Persson Kymlicka Holmes, Yale University

Postgraduate student, Yale University


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How to Cite

Holmes, P. K. (2021). Citizen Involvement in the Formulation of Public Policy in USA. Journal of Public Policy & Governance, 5(3), 11–20. Retrieved from


