The Relationship between Corporate Governance and Performance of Insurance Companies in Kenya
The environment in which insurance companies operate has been fraught with various corporate governance challenges that have hindered their progress. Thus, a deliberate effort has to be made to avoid future corporate mismanagement and company failures given the important role insurance plays in the economy of Kenya, especially towards the development of the small and large scale firms through ensuring financial security. This study sought to establish the relationship between corporate governance and performance of insurance companies in Kenya. This study was anchored on Agency theory. Positivism philosophical foundation was adopted with a cross-sectional survey. The study population comprised of 52 insurance companies in Kenya licensed by the Insurance Regulatory Authority (IRA) as at December 2017. The insurance companies constituted the unit of analysis. The respondents were the Senior Managers and the general employees. This study utilized primary data collected using questionnaires. The influence of corporate governance was evaluated based on dimensions of three constructs namely transparency, board responsibility and ownership structure. The results indicated that corporate governance was positively and significantly associated to performance. This was an indication that corporate governance portrayed a strong connection with performance. The null hypothesis of the study was that corporate governance has no significant relationship with performance of insurance companies in Kenya was rejected. The study concluded that corporate governance influences performance. Subsequently, insurance firms need to maintain good corporate governance practices by having appropriate board structures and composition that takes into consideration diversification of expertise. The study recommends that policy and decision makers need to ensure that appropriate corporate governance mechanisms are implemented in insurance companies. This constructs of corporate governance play a key role in effective governance of insurance companies. Policy and decision makers can use the findings in developing codes of governance that govern the practice.
Keywords: Corporate Governance, Transparency, Board Responsibility, Ownership Structure, Performance, Insurance Companies & Kenya.
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