Effect of Training in Revenue Mobilization on Organizational Performance of Nairobi County Government, in Kenya


  • Charles O. Nyangito Kisii University
  • Dr. Charles Momanyi, PhD. Kisii University
  • Dr. Stella Omari, PhD. Kisii University




Revenue mobilization practices have been adopted globally with the aim of enhancing development at all levels. Despite revenue being collected all the time. Available studies show that not all practices have contributed effectively in mobilizing the available revenues for performance for socio economic development. In Kenya the advent of devolution has implied that counties will have to device appropriate ways of enhancing resource avenues for socio economic development, Instead of over dependence on the exchequer. The objective of the study was to determine the effect of training on organizational performance in Nairobi County. The study was guided by the resource based theory, expenditure theory and the economic theory. The research adopted a descriptive research design. Target population comprised 819.The population of this study comprised chief officers, directors, accountants and revenue officers. A sample size of 382 was used. The study used stratified random sampling and simple random sampling techniques. Data was collected using questionnaires. The validity of the research instrument was verified by researchers’ supervisors. To test internal consistency, Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient of 0.7 and above was used to meet the threshold. The collected data was analyzed by help of SPSS version 22. Descriptive analysis including mean, standard deviation, percentages and frequencies was used while inferential analysis which included Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient and simple regression to test the relationship between independent variables and dependent variables. Data was presented using tables and figures. The findings indicated that training, had a positive and significant effect in Nairobi county organizational performance. The study concluded that training contribute significantly to the organizational performance of Nairobi county in Kenya. From the results, the study recommended that the county management should ensure that they conduct regular trainings on revenue collection.

Key Words: Training, Revenue Mobilization and Organizational Performance.

Author Biographies

Charles O. Nyangito, Kisii University

Department of Business Administration

Dr. Charles Momanyi, PhD., Kisii University

Department of Business Administration

Dr. Stella Omari, PhD., Kisii University

Department of Business Administration


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How to Cite

Nyangito, C., Momanyi, C., & Omari, S. (2022). Effect of Training in Revenue Mobilization on Organizational Performance of Nairobi County Government, in Kenya. Journal of Strategic Management, 6(4), 42–55. https://doi.org/10.53819/81018102t6016


