Board of Management Strategic Capacity and School Performance of Public Primary Schools in Juja Constituency, Kiambu County, Kenya


  • Joyce Nduta Muroko The Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Dr. Kifleyesus Andemariam The Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Caroline Mungai The Catholic University of Eastern Africa



This study sought to examine the effect of board of management strategic capacity on the performance of public primary schools in Juja Constituency, Kiambu County, Kenya. The specific objective of the study was to evaluate the capacity of the BOM to make structural changes for the school performance of public primary schools in Juja Constituency Kiambu County. The study was anchored on team theory. In this study, the descriptive survey design was adopted. The study adopted the descriptive survey design where the target population comprised of 264 board members in the 22 public primary schools in Juja Constituency. The Nassiuma (2000) scientific formula was used to derive a sample of 122 respondents from each board of management in Juja Constituency. Data was collected using a structured questionnaire and analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25. The study revealed that the BOM members had the capacity to make good structural changes to enhance public primary school performance through the division of tasks. Another finding was that the BOM members had the capacity to delegate authority to relevant officers to promote efficiency of operations. The study concluded that there was a positive and significant relationship between organization structure and school performance. The study recommends that the Ministry of Education should organize more capacity development trainings to ensure that BOM members are fully equipped with strategic planning skills. Another recommendation is that the Ministry of Education should organize benchmarking sessions for the BOMs so that they can learn from each other of the best practices.

Key words: Strategic Capacity, Structural Changes, School Performance

Author Biographies

Joyce Nduta Muroko, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Post Graduate Student, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Dr. Kifleyesus Andemariam , The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Lecturer, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Caroline Mungai, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Lecturer, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa


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How to Cite

Muroko, J. N., Andemariam, K., & Mungai, C. (2022). Board of Management Strategic Capacity and School Performance of Public Primary Schools in Juja Constituency, Kiambu County, Kenya. Journal of Strategic Management, 6(5), 36–51.


