Influence of Service Quality Differentiation Strategy on Customer Loyalty in Commercial Banks within Nakuru Municipality


  • Tabitha Wangari Kibithe Egerton University
  • Wendy Cherono Chebii Egerton University


Service quality, differentiation strategy, customer loyalty, commercial banks, Nakuru Municipality


The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of service quality differentiation strategy on customer loyalty in commercial banks within Nakuru Municipality. The study adopted a descriptive survey design and employed purposive sampling technique in the identification of the banks and systematic random sampling in the selection of the respondents. The study sample was drawn from customers of banks that had operated in Nakuru Municipality for more than five years. A representative sample of 384 bank customers was chosen and the process of data collection was conducted over a period of one month. The study used a questionnaire for data collection. Data collected was analyzed for descriptive statistics and inferential statistics (correlation and regression) using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) computer software version 15. Research findings were presented in the form of tabular summaries. The significance level used for the study was 0.05. The results revealed that most bank customers agreed that banks used the service quality differentiation strategy dimensions and they also agreed with the aspects of customer loyalty as being present among most customers. Results also revealed that service environment was not significantly related to customer loyalty while interaction quality, empathy and reliability were significantly negatively correlated with customer loyalty. The study recommended that bank managers should change the application of the service quality differentiation dimension and they should also differentiate on aspects that increase customer loyalty. The study recommended that similar studies should be carried out in other parts of the country and in different sectors of the economy; and that factors that affect customer loyalty that are not discussed in the study should be researched on.

Keywords: Service quality, differentiation strategy, customer loyalty, commercial banks, Nakuru Municipality

Author Biographies

Tabitha Wangari Kibithe, Egerton University

Post Graduate Student: Egerton University

Wendy Cherono Chebii, Egerton University

Post Graduate Student: Egerton University


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How to Cite

Kibithe, T. W., & Chebii, W. C. (2018). Influence of Service Quality Differentiation Strategy on Customer Loyalty in Commercial Banks within Nakuru Municipality. Journal of Strategic Management, 2(2), 62–82. Retrieved from


