Aligning Strategic Intelligence and Graduate Employability: A Conceptual Review


  • Damiete Onyema Lawrence Port Harcourt, Nigeria
  • Melanie J. Ashleigh University of Southampton
  • Christiana Onuabuchi Lucky-Kormene Kenule Beeson Saro-Wiwa Polytechnic, Bori, Rivers State, Nigeria
  • Ibiere Tende Rivers State Universal Basic Education Board
  • Bobby Elechi Vintage Farms and Products Ltd
  • Anthony Wakwe Lawrence Community Inter-Relations and Reconciliation Initiative



The purpose of this paper is to present a framework for scholars carrying out reviews of research that meet international standards for publication. Conceptualizing the factors that determine graduate employability and how it relates to strategic intelligence. A set of propositions are presented using three themes namely: strategic intelligence, career counselling and skill gap. This is primarily a conceptual paper focusing on the approach of performing systematic reviews. Nevertheless, the paper builds on a database of previously done research in graduate employability, career development, and strategic intelligence. The paper uses narrative examples from empirical reviews to further explain the parts of the conceptual framework drawing from theoretical frameworks of human capital theory and adaptive theory. The study also alludes to specific findings from previous research to demonstrate general trends in how the framework's main aspects have been used in exemplary reviews. The contribution of this paper is to emphasize the importance of students developing strategic intelligence in order to be employable. It is intended that this conceptual framework would give helpful methodological input in enhancing long-standing efforts in graduate employability, and career development discipline to progress knowledge in a more methodical and coherent manner. The paper reveals that foresight and environmental intelligence are proxies for strategic intelligence and when applied to career counselling, they will result in new capacity outcomes that are more suitable to the energy requirements and other sustainable green technologies via university career counsel partnerships with government and industry. It also revealed that, when a student can predict the direction of their desired industry, he or she can develop the necessary skill sets to be employable after graduation. Finally, it found out that the alignment of strategic intelligence and graduate employability helps in recruitment effectiveness and improves efficiency in the entire career ecosystem processes. Apart from undergraduates, the paper proposes a practical framework for universities, graduates, and industry to help produce employable personnel and entrepreneurs, as well as a set of requirements for maintaining employability in a career ecosystem. The paper contributes to theory by integrating strategic intelligence and graduate employability literature by recognizing shared characteristics of fast and continuous learning, as well as foresight. Thus this paper helps to bridge the gaps in respective research agendas. As a result, this research is unique in that it contributes to the advancement of human capital theory, graduate employability, and strategic intelligence.

Keywords: Graduate Employability, Strategic Intelligence, Career Counselling, Skill Gap, Education for Sustainable Development

Author Biographies

Damiete Onyema Lawrence, Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Business Developer Cinfores Limited

Melanie J. Ashleigh, University of Southampton

Associate Professor

Christiana Onuabuchi Lucky-Kormene, Kenule Beeson Saro-Wiwa Polytechnic, Bori, Rivers State, Nigeria


Bobby Elechi , Vintage Farms and Products Ltd

General Manager

Anthony Wakwe Lawrence, Community Inter-Relations and Reconciliation Initiative



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How to Cite

Lawrence, D. O., Ashleigh, M. J., Lucky-Kormene, C. O., Tende, I., Elechi , B., & Lawrence, A. W. (2023). Aligning Strategic Intelligence and Graduate Employability: A Conceptual Review. Journal of Strategic Management, 7(5), 61–80.




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