Influence of Social Organization and Material Culture on the Strategic Business Growth of Huawei Technologies Company Limited


  • Kitilit Joseph Kamama Management University of Africa
  • Dr. Lilian Ogendo Management University of Africa


Keywords: Social Organization, Material Culture, Strategic Business Growth & Huawei Technologies.


International trade has increased over time with a number of environmental and cultural factors forcing the changes in ways of trade. The vast majority of these elements stem down from the impact of globalization. Chinese firms' presence in Kenya aim at venturing into the expansive East African ever growing market with demand of goods and services with diverse cultural difference. The rate at which these firms grow is low as compared to their expectation. The dimension of social cultural aspects remains the most enduring characteristic that requires incorporation in the growth strategies as well as their implementation, particularly when they emphasize on international markets. The specific objectives of the study was to determine the influence of Social Organization, Material Culture on strategic business growth of Huawei Technologies Company Limited. Social Identity theories was used to inform the study. The study adopted a descriptive and causal study design. The target population was 1,500 Business Development Officers and Sales Managers who are working in Huawei Technologies Company Limited of which the sample size of 150 of were based in Kenya, where strategic business growth was the business focus. The research project focused on Huawei Technologies Company Limited in Kenya Primary data was collected using the questionnaire. Descriptive statistics such as, mean and frequencies and inferential statistics (regression and correlation analysis) was used to perform data analysis. A multiple linear regression analysis model was used to link the variables with a model fitness of 96%. Social Organization, Material Culture explain 96% of the variance in strategic business growth. Based on the findings above, the study concluded that Social Organization, Material Culture influence the strategic business growth at Huawei Technologies Company limited in Kenya. The study recommends for an effective shared company culture to create higher degree of strategic flexibility. Clear and measurable input was emphasized for a positive material culture influence where there is understanding of behaviors and roles.

Keywords: Social Organization, Material Culture, Strategic Business Growth & Huawei Technologies

Author Biographies

Kitilit Joseph Kamama, Management University of Africa

Postgraduate Student

Dr. Lilian Ogendo, Management University of Africa



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How to Cite

Kamama, K. J., & Ogendo, D. L. (2018). Influence of Social Organization and Material Culture on the Strategic Business Growth of Huawei Technologies Company Limited. Journal of Strategic Management, 2(3), 62–81. Retrieved from


