Influence of Generation Y Characteristics on Job Satisfaction: The Case of Virtual City Limited


  • Gloria Chepseba The Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Dr. Kiflemariam The Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Sr. Elizabeth Nziwa The Catholic University of Eastern Africa


Generation Y, Being Tech Savvy, Job-Hopping, Self-Confident, Job Satisfaction and Virtual City Limited


The research objective of this study was to examine how the characteristics of generation Y influences their job satisfaction. The study's focus was on Virtual City Limited. The study sought to: determine how being tech savvy influences job satisfaction, examine how job-hopping affects job satisfaction, and determine the relationship between being self-confident and job satisfaction. The research design employed for the study was survey research design. The target population for this study was all employees who worked at Virtual City Limited and were 73 in total. The sampling frame for this study was the official list of all employees at Virtual City Limited and was obtained from the organization's HR department. Stratified sampling was used to generate the sample size because it ensured that all employee categories (management and regular staff) were represented in the study. For this study, the researcher selected 70% of the population elements from each study strata to give the study a sample size of 51 employees. Primary data was collected by the use of a self-administered questionnaire. For easy analysis, the collected data was coded guided by the study variables to guarantee a minimum margin of error and ascertain that the data analysis was accurate. The collected data was analyzed using (SPSS) for calculation of the descriptive statistics of mean, standard deviation, and frequency distribution for analysis of the Likert questions. Correlation analysis revealed a positive relationship between being tech savvy, job-hopping, self-confidence and job satisfaction. Regression results showed that Being Tech Savvy (r=0.492, p=0.000), job-hopping (r=0.094, p=0.006), self-confidence (r=0.116 p=0.001) had a positive and significance effect on job satisfaction. The study has revealed that generation Y employees' use of technology in the organization has led to job autonomy, and they believe innovation is essential to business growth. Generation Y employees look for more flexibility in their workplace and they have been allowed to operate entrepreneurially within the organization, thus using social networks to bring innovative new ideas to the organization. Generation Y employees in the organization are self-centered and want instant respect for their tech savviness as well as respect for their ability to multi-task. These employees are concerned about the incompetence of their co-workers, and they are over-confident in their untested abilities.

Keywords: Generation Y, Being Tech Savvy, Job-Hopping, Self-Confident, Job Satisfaction and Virtual City Limited.

Author Biographies

Gloria Chepseba, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Postgraduate Student

Dr. Kiflemariam, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa


Sr. Elizabeth Nziwa, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa



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How to Cite

Chepseba, G., Kiflemariam, D., & Nziwa, S. E. (2018). Influence of Generation Y Characteristics on Job Satisfaction: The Case of Virtual City Limited. Journal of Strategic Management, 2(4), 1–20. Retrieved from


