Influence of Universal Health Systems on Organizational Performance in Devolved Health Care Functions: A Case of Kirinyaga


  • Nancy W Kuria Management University of Africa
  • Dr Emmanuel Awuor Management University of Africa


The decentralization of the health care is often done with a view of improving the organizational performance of the health care system in terms of improvement in population health outcomes. This study specifically looked into the influence of strategic resources management, strategic human resource management, infrastructure, and training on organizational performance of devolved health acre functions in Kirinyaga County. The target population of this study was three major hospitals in Kirinyaga County that is Kimbimbi, Kianyaga and Sagana sub county hospitals. The target population consisted of 102 respondents. A census approach was used which meant that all 102 respondents participated in the study. A structured questionnaire was used as the data collection instrument. The pilot study of this research was undertaken in Kirinyaga County with 10% of the sample size, that is, 10 respondents, who were eliminated from the final study. Validity of the instrument was checked using the opinions of five experts in strategic leadership and devolved health care functions of county governments, as well as the research supervisor. Internal consistency of the research instrument was measured using Cronbach's alpha coefficient with a reliability value of 0.7 and above making the research instrument reliable. Data was entered and analyzed using SPSS. Descriptive and inferential statistics were then generated. The descriptive statistics included means, standard deviations and frequency distributions. The inferential statistics was examined using multiple linear regressions. The results were put in tables and their interpretations provided. The association between the independent variables as well as direction of association was determined using the correlation coefficient denoted as R. The value of R for this study was 0.566. The R-Square value in this case was 0.321 implying that 32.1% variability in the organizational performance of devolved health care functions in Kirinyaga County (dependent variable) is explained by the strategic resources management, service delivery, infrastructure, and training (independent variables). Thus the independent variables have minimal control over the dependent variable. The beta regression coefficients achieved included coefficient of 0.127 for strategic resources management, 0.426 for service delivery, 0.490 for infrastructure, and -0.126 for training.

 Keywords: Strategic Resources Management, Service Delivery, Infrastructure & Training

Author Biographies

Nancy W Kuria, Management University of Africa

Post Graduate Student

Dr Emmanuel Awuor, Management University of Africa

Senior Lecturer


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How to Cite

Kuria, N. W., & Awuor, D. E. (2018). Influence of Universal Health Systems on Organizational Performance in Devolved Health Care Functions: A Case of Kirinyaga. Journal of Strategic Management, 2(4), 37–64. Retrieved from


