Financial and Non-Financial Information on Strategy Management Process; A Systematic Literature Review


  • Paul Ombai The Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Dr. Kiflemariam Abraham The Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Dr. Lawrence Odollo The Catholic University of Eastern Africa



This paper focused on the role of both financial and non-financial information on strategy management processes using a PRISMA framework on existing literature. Specifically, this paper sought to determine the recent trends on financial and non-financial information, the varied financial and non-financial information constructs, the financial and non-financial information theories, and finally, the influence of financial and non-financial information on strategy management process. Financial ratios of liquidity, solvency and profitability are useful in assessing the impact of financial information on strategy management process. Organizations are coming to the realization that financial metrics alone do not address the needs of informed stakeholders who are keen to on a comprehensive picture of the organization and the impacts of their operations. Recent technological advances in Artificial intelligence, cloud computing and machine learning have had significant impacts on real time big data processing with accompanying realization that stakeholders will continuously demand for more information that impact the strategy management processes and success. These technological advances have also led to amplification of algorithmic trading, credit scoring and risk assessment. This study hinges on stakeholder theory, Resource Based View Theory as well as information asymmetry theory. A significant finding of the study is on the pivotal role played by non-financial information in shaping strategic decision-making processes whereas financial information has historically driven strategic planning. The study revealed the very interdependent nature of both financial and non-financial information on strategy management processes.

Author Biographies

Paul Ombai, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Dr. Kiflemariam Abraham , The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Lecturer, Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Dr. Lawrence Odollo, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Lecturer, Catholic University of Eastern Africa


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How to Cite

Ombai, P., Kiflemariam , A., & Odollo, L. (2024). Financial and Non-Financial Information on Strategy Management Process; A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Strategic Management, 8(1), 33–64.


