Green Supply Chain Management Strategies and Performance of Sugar Companies in Western Kenya


  • Judith Ziporah Mwalati Moi University
  • Peter Nderitu Githaiga Moi University
  • Zurah Mohammed Moi University



Although the drive to improve overall organizational sustainability has resulted in a focus on pollution prevention and minimization of environmental impacts at all stages of the product lifecycle, from raw material sourcing to manufacturing, transportation, use, and disposal, not all companies in Kenya's sugar industry have adopted this approach. Thus, the primary goal of the research was to investigate the impact of green supply chain management strategies on the performance of sugar companies in Western Kenya. The specific research objectives were to assess the impact of green procurement, green manufacturing, eco-design, and green distribution on the performance of sugar companies in western Kenya. The population under study consisted of ten sugar firms and a sample of 272 people drawn from the procurement, production, and operations departments. Data was gathered using closed-ended questionnaires. The study found that green procurement, green manufacturing, eco design, and green distribution had a positive and significant impact on the performance of sugar companies in Western Kenya. The findings emphasize the critical relationship between green supply chain management strategies and performance. The study made specific policy and practice recommendations based on its findings. Managers should adopt green procurement practices by collaborating with suppliers who value environmental sustainability. Managers should also priorities eco-design principles to reduce waste and encourage product recycling. Managers should create a collaborative culture that encourages employee involvement in sustainability initiatives, as this can improve the overall effectiveness of GSCM strategies.  

Keywords: Green Supply, Chain Management Strategies, Performance, Sugar Companies, Western Kenya

Author Biographies

Judith Ziporah Mwalati, Moi University

Postgraduate Student, Moi University

Peter Nderitu Githaiga , Moi University

Lecturer, Moi University

Zurah Mohammed, Moi University

Lecturer, Moi University


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How to Cite

Mwalati, J. Z., Githaiga , P. N., & Mohammed, Z. (2024). Green Supply Chain Management Strategies and Performance of Sugar Companies in Western Kenya. Journal of Strategic Management, 8(3), 50–58.


