Management Commitment, Employee Training and Implementation of Quality Management Systems in Motor Vehicle Sector in Kenya: A Case Study of Isuzu East Africa Limited


  • John Robert Mutiso Management University of Africa
  • Juster G Nyaga Management University of Africa


A successful QMS implementation requires top management commitment and quality employees' training before, during and after the implementation process. This paper assessed the effects of top management commitment and employee training on implementation of quality management systems in motor vehicle sector in Kenya with reference to Isuzu East Africa Limited Ltd. This paper begins by providing a general perspective of QMS and then narrows down the literature review to top management commitment, employee training and implementation quality management systems a motor vehicle. The review was followed by data collection by administering 63 questionnaires to staff at IEAL from top management to middle managers and lower-level employees. The employees were selected by use of stratified random sampling. Primary data was supplemented by secondary data in literature review. Data was analyzed and presented using descriptive statistics including mean and standard deviation. Finally research findings, recommendations and conclusion were made.

Key Words: Employee Training, Motor Vehicle Sector, Quality Management Systems, Management Commitment, Total Quality Management.

Author Biographies

John Robert Mutiso, Management University of Africa

Master Student of Management and Leadership, Management University of Africa

Juster G Nyaga, Management University of Africa

Lecturer, The Management University of Africa


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How to Cite

Mutiso, J. R., & Nyaga, J. G. (2019). Management Commitment, Employee Training and Implementation of Quality Management Systems in Motor Vehicle Sector in Kenya: A Case Study of Isuzu East Africa Limited. Journal of Strategic Management, 3(3), 92–108. Retrieved from


