The Dynamics in the Contemporary Business Managerial Problems: An American Perspective


  • Nicholas Corey Mississippi State University
  • Prof. Jackson Wyatt Mississippi State University


The business world is always dominated with managerial problems that hinder the progress of the business. There is need to have an understanding of the business environment that organizations operate, so as to manage these problems as they arise. The paper looked into the possible business challenges faced by organizations worldwide currently and looks at the interdisciplinary strategies regarding addressing these obstacles. For businesses to make it through in this commercial affordable globe, they have to adapt to certain approaches that are beneficial to them. These approaches are the main management concepts such as the classical approach (which is much more focused on official frameworks of the company), the human relations strategy (focused right into the casual framework and company's employees), systems approach and contingency approach. The paper finds that business needs to take into consideration various interdisciplinary techniques to address managerial problems, as adaptability is crucial to success.

Keywords: Managerial Problems, Classical Approach, Human Relations, Systems Approach & Contingency Approach.

Author Biographies

Nicholas Corey, Mississippi State University

Mississippi State University

Prof. Jackson Wyatt, Mississippi State University

Mississippi State University


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How to Cite

Corey, N., & Wyatt, P. J. (2020). The Dynamics in the Contemporary Business Managerial Problems: An American Perspective. Journal of Strategic Management, 4(1), 41–51. Retrieved from


