Influence of economic regulatory environment on the liberalization of the air transport industry in East Africa


  • Emmanuel Butera Mwesigye PhD in Business Administration Candidate
  • Iravo Mike Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
  • Olive Karekezi Kemeirembe University of Kigali


The study sought to examine the influence of economic regulatory environment on the liberalization of air transport industry in East Africa. Data were analysed using descriptive and multiple regression analyses to examine the effect of the economic regulatory environment on the air transport sector in east Africa.  The results confirmed that there is interdependency of economic activities in EAC and of the services of air transport industry and thus the need to liberalize the industry. The study revealed that achieving air transport liberalization will increase profit margins of airline companies, facilitate effective common market, customs union and regional integration. The results confirmed that economic environment has a significant effect on liberalization. The study concluded that there is significant influence of the economic environment on the liberalization of the air transport industry in East Africa. Thus, economic environment positively affects the performance of air transport in East Africa. The study recommended that the East African countries needs to develop their economics mostly hotel facilities and tourism sector which can help to increase the movement of people.

Keywords: Economic regulatory environment, liberalization

Author Biographies

Emmanuel Butera Mwesigye, PhD in Business Administration Candidate

PhD in Business Administration Candidate

Iravo Mike, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

Lecturer, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya

Olive Karekezi Kemeirembe, University of Kigali

Lecturer, University of Kigali, Rwanda


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How to Cite

Mwesigye, E. B., Mike, I., & Kemeirembe, O. K. (2020). Influence of economic regulatory environment on the liberalization of the air transport industry in East Africa. Journal of Strategic Management, 4(2), 43–57. Retrieved from


