A Comparative Assessment of Performance Management on Public Service Delivery in Paraguay and USA


  • Maria Ramona Universidad Americana Paraguay


Experiences of South America‘s development over the last two decades have consistently demonstrated the need for more intensive efforts towards effectively addressing the continent‘s major development challenges, the degree of which varies from country to country. The state-of-the-art techniques and practices currently in operation in Western organisations can undoubtedly be of great benefit to organisations in developing countries. This study on performance management and public service delivery in comparison of Paraguay and the USA is therefore motivated by the need to establish and understand the factors that affect and influence improvement in public sector and ultimately improvement in the quality of public service delivery. This study adopted both an explorative case study research design and descriptive survey research design. Descriptive survey research design was used to analyze the patterns in the performance management in the two countries under study. The target population was the Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) under the Public service commission. The study used personnel in USA from the National Performance Management Commission to obtain qualitative data for the study. The data was analyzed using Chisquare and T-test. The chi square statistics indicated that there was no significant relationship (0.209>0.05) between the various techniques; balance score card, 360 degrees, behavioral assessment, ranking method and the written essay method on public service delivery service. This implied that there existed no significant relationship between the performance management methods used and public service delivery in Paraguay. The t-test results reported a significant difference on comparison of United states and Paraguay where health had a significance level of (0.014<0.05), Agriculture (0.0066<0.05), Education (0.0466<0.05), Security (0.002<0.05) and thus implied that the performance management systems used in the United States and those in Paraguay had a significance effect on public service delivery. In addition, the difference can be associated with the difference in development of systems and institutions in United States and Paraguay since the United States is a developed economy while Paraguay is developing economy.

Keywords: Comparative Assessment, Performance Management, Service Delivery, Paraguay & USA.

Author Biography

Maria Ramona, Universidad Americana Paraguay

Universidad Americana Paraguay


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How to Cite

Ramona, M. (2020). A Comparative Assessment of Performance Management on Public Service Delivery in Paraguay and USA. Journal of Strategic Management, 4(4), 71–82. Retrieved from https://stratfordjournals.com/journals/index.php/journal-of-strategic-management/article/view/688


