Job Evaluation Factors and Employees’ Performance in 4 And 5 Star-Rated Hospitality Facilities in Nakuru County, Kenya
Hospitality related jobs are prone to biasness and inequities especially in reward and compensation structures vis-à-vis job grades and responsibilities. One of the major contributory factors of such biasness and inequities is lack of a systematic basis of evaluating jobs. Such biasness and inequities if not checked, may generate dissatisfaction and grievances among employees which may eventually lead to low employee morale and poor performance. The purpose of the research was to ascertain how front-line employees' performance is impacted by job evaluation factors in 4 and 5 star rated lodges, resorts, hotels and camps located in Nakuru County. Specifically, the study tested the influence of interpersonal skills, job responsibility, decision making and job expertise on employee performance. Besides, the moderating role of gender was tested. The study was underpinned by the Equity Theory of Motivation. It utilized both descriptive and co-relational research designs. This study's population consisted of all 4 to 5 star rated hospitality establishments located in Nakuru County. The sample size comprised 403 front-line employees and 8 supervisors. Besides, 8 HRMs were included in the study, therefore, a total of 419 respondents were sampled. Questionnaires were administered to the frontline employees and interviews were conducted with the HRMs and supervisors. The study revealed that interpersonal skills (B=.227, p=.000); job responsibility (B=.234, p=.000); decision making (B= .290, P=.000); and job expertise (B= .238, P=.000) significantly influence the performance of employees. However, employees’ gender (ΔR2= .001, P=.382) does not influence the relationship between job evaluation factors and employee performance. The content analysis results supported these findings. This study concluded that job evaluation factors enhance employee’s performance, gender does not. The study recommends that the HR departments should observe fairness and equity in all HR processes especially recruitment and selection, training, promotion and compensation. All these functions should be driven by skills, job responsibility, and expertise of the employee and not subjective elements such as gender.
Keywords: Job Evaluation, Employee Performance, Hospitality Industry, 4 and 5-Star Hotels, Nakuru County, Kenya
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