The Role of Sustainable Management Practices and Social Media in Shaping Generation Z’s Preferences for Environment-Friendly Hotels


  • Dr. Sara Sarwari Stamford University Bangladesh



The purpose of this research was to examine the impact of environmentally conscious measures implemented by hotels, along with their digital marketing strategies through social media platforms, in influencing the decision-making process of Generation Z when selecting environmentally friendly hotels. Despite significant global study on sustainability and digital engagement on consumer choices, there is little focus on how these factors affect the hospitality industry in developing countries like Bangladesh.  Data were gathered from a sample of 335 generation Z consumers who provided feedback on their experiences with the hotels. 310 respondents were chosen for analysis, assessed by using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The study revealed that the adoption of sustainable management practices has a beneficial impact on Generation Z's preference towards hotels that are environmentally friendly. Social media platforms play an essential part in promoting these practices. Effective promotion of green activities through social media by hotels leads to enhanced reputation and customer retention. The study concludes that sustainable management practices and effective use of social media significantly influence Generation Z's preferences for environmentally friendly hotels, fostering brand loyalty and competitive advantage in the hospitality industry. The practical implications in this research explained that if hotels in Bangladesh applied sustainable management practices into their marketing strategies, they could attract environmentally conscious Generation Z consumers and distinguish themselves in a competitive market, thus promoting long-term loyalty and enhancing brand image through social media. Hotels should leverage social media platforms to actively communicate their sustainability efforts, engaging customers through real-time updates, influencer partnerships, and user-generated content. They should also ensure eco-friendly products and services remain affordable to broaden their appeal while maintaining a strong commitment to environmental conservation. Furthermore, hotels should emphasize transparency and accountability in their sustainability practices to build trust and foster deeper connections with Generation Z consumers.

Keywords: Sustainable Management practices, Social Media, Generation Z, Bangladesh.

Author Biography

Dr. Sara Sarwari, Stamford University Bangladesh

Associate Professor, Stamford University Bangladesh


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How to Cite

Sarwari, S. (2024). The Role of Sustainable Management Practices and Social Media in Shaping Generation Z’s Preferences for Environment-Friendly Hotels. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 7(2), 76–94.


