Influence of Organizational Structure on Performance of Teacher Training Project in Good Neighbors International Rwanda
Active organizational structure improves the performance of various project and institutional activities effectively. The purpose of this paper therefore, was to examine how influence organizational structure affects the performance of the Good Neighbors International teacher training project in Rwanda. This paper employed explanatory research design. The target population was 129 people including 99 training participants and 30 project management. The sample size was 109respondents. Questionnaire was used as data collection instrument. The analysis of data was done using Microsoft Excel. The methods of analysis used were descriptive and inferential analysis. Findings show that job design has no significant influence on the performance of the teacher training project (β1=0.001; p>.05) in the period covered by the study. However, organizational hierarchy has a statistically significant influence on project performance (β2=0.180; p<.05) as it contributes up to 18% of the project performance variation. Similar observation is noted that departmental design has a statistically significant influence on project performance (β3=0.100; p<.05) since it contributed up to 10% of the variation in project performance. The study concludes that organizational hierarchy contributes more than job design and departmental design in enhancing performance of the teacher training project in Good Neighbors International Rwanda in 2019-2022. The research recommends that top management should improve staff autonomy, eliminate bureaucracy, improve human resource communication and coordination across departments, institute participatory decision-making, and ensure that all job tasks are aligned with the project’s objectives.
Keywords: Project Performance, Organization Structure, Teacher Training and Organizational Hierarchy.
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