Relationship between Instructional Materials Utilization and Learners' Academic Achievement in Public Nursery Schools in Nyamagabe District, Rwanda


  • Dominique TWAGIRAYEZU Mount Kenya University
  • Dr. Hesbon Opiyo Andala Mount Kenya University



Instructional materials utilization plays crucial role in education sector worldwide since they contribute to both learners' discipline as well as their academic achievement. The purpose of this study therefore, sought to determine the relationship between instructional materials utilization and learners ‘academic achievement in public nursery schools in Nyamagabe District in Rwanda. The study employed a correlation research design.   The study focused on a target population of 240 individuals, and a sample size of 150 respondents was obtained using Slovin's formula.   Data collection instruments such as questionnaires and guided interviews were utilised. Descriptive statistics were employed to analyse the quantitative data using Statistical Product and Services Solution Version 21 (IBM SPSS) software. The findings revealed that instructional materials are used in nursery schools at 63 percent as it was confirmed by teachers of that section. It was also noted that 62.3 percent of teachers agreed that there is low learners’ academic achievement in public nursery schools located in Nyamagabe district while head teachers indicated that learners’ academic achievement in public nursery schools is low when compared to private schools. The study revealed that the use of instructional materials positively influences learners’ academic achievement at rate between 107.3 percent. The study concludes that there is a significant and positive relationship between the utilization of instructional materials and the academic achievement of students in public nursery schools located in Nyamagabe District, Rwanda. The findings indicate that when teachers make effective use of instructional materials, such as flashcards, picture books, and various educational resources, students tend to perform better academically. The study recommends that educational authorities and intervening people should provide instructional materials and make effective set up that should enhance learners’ achievement. The researcher suggests that further research may be done to instructional materials utilization on learners ‘readiness to primary education in public nursery schools in Rwanda so as to come up with comparative analysis.

Keywords: Instructional materials, learners’ academic achievement, nursery schools and public schools

Author Biographies

Dominique TWAGIRAYEZU , Mount Kenya University

Post graduate student, Mount Kenya University, Rwanda

Dr. Hesbon Opiyo Andala, Mount Kenya University

Program leader and research coordinator, school of education, Mount Kenya University, Rwanda


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How to Cite

TWAGIRAYEZU , D., & Andala, H. O. (2023). Relationship between Instructional Materials Utilization and Learners’ Academic Achievement in Public Nursery Schools in Nyamagabe District, Rwanda. Journal of Education, 6(3), 88–101.




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